The Tholos, Delphi; 380BC


“Everyone came to Delphi: founders of cities; would be bridegrooms – no brides, of course, due to prohibition against women; generals who wished to pursues wars against their king’s neighbours; tyrants like Pittacus who wished to overtake cities and rule their inhabitants; wise men; stupid men; and stupid wise men.”

“In 336 BC, when the young Alexander the Great, arrived at Delphi to have his fortune foretold, before setting forth to attack the Persian Empire, the Oracle, uncharacteristically remained silent and could not be prompted to say anything, asking him to come back later. Furious, Alexander dragged the Oracle by the hair out of the adyton (inner sanctum of a Greek temple) until she screamed, “Let go of me; you’re unbeatable!” The moment he heard these words, he dropped her, saying, “Now I have my answer.”